by Gamefic on June 21, 2015
This weekend I pushed a new repo branch that includes a major refactoring of the plot DSL. The syntax for plot scripts is largely unchanged, but the new code behind it uses a new module called the Stage. I based it on the Clean Room pattern described in Metaprogramming Ruby and further developed by Seth Vargo. Including the Stage module can make any class capable of loading code from a Ruby DSL.
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by Gamefic on June 7, 2015
Carolyn VanEseltine's post about parser tutorials inspired me to think about what to do when players ask questions in parser games. From her post:
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by Gamefic on June 6, 2015
Today I created a public project for Gamefic on Pivotal Tracker. I'll be using it to manage the development of new features and measure progress.
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by Gamefic on June 1, 2015
The concept of scenes has always existed in Gamefic. The simplest kind of scene was simply a block of code that got called by the cue method. There were also specialized kinds of scenes like pause, prompt, and yes_or_no. The system seemed solid in my initial tests, but when I started building a larger game that heavily relied on different types of scenes, I noticed a few shortcomings. As a result, I redesigned scenes so the shortcuts for creating common scene types were still available in plots, but under the hood there's a system that provides a lot more capability. The new system is based on three classes: SceneManager, SceneData, and the Scene itself.
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by Gamefic on December 21, 2014
The Eclipse plugin for Gamefic is finally a functional proof of concept. Basic features like creating projects and editing files work. Syntax highlighting is partially implemented. Embedded JRuby libraries allow for realtime code analysis and debugging on the fly.
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by Gamefic on December 10, 2014
One major challenge in parser-based adventure games is avoiding guess-the-word problems. Players can get frustrated when they attempt to push, activate, or turn on a button, only to discover that the game expected them to press it. Developers typically have to rely on extensive testing and their own meticulousness to make the parser as comprehensive as possible. Right now I'm experimenting with a more automated solution: querying a dictionary database for synonyms of implemented verbs. The game can use this data to make sensible recommendations for unrecognized commands.
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by Gamefic on November 25, 2014
The Query::match method is pretty good at uniquely identifying entities when all the possibilities have unique names. If two items have the same name, however, unique matches are impossible. Right now I'm experimenting with a solution that solves the most common instance: portals named for compass directions.
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by Gamefic on October 20, 2014
Last week I updated the Gamefic repo with an SDK that can compile game code into pure JavaScript. There's a standard API that provides functions for sending player commands and receiving game data. Developers can use HTML and CSS to customize the game interface. As an experiment, I used the SDK to compile two versions of Cloak of Darkness. One uses a traditional parser-based interface. The other has a graphical interface that works completely through point-and-click. The world model and solution are functionally the same.
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by Gamefic on October 13, 2014
It's been a while since I pulled an all-nighter, but yesterday I tried to work out a minor code puzzle that turned into a deep, dark rabbit hole, and I'm just crawling out of it this afternoon. Let's see if I still have enough wits to unravel everything I did.
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by Gamefic on October 9, 2014
I fixed a bug in Outpost that caused the game to crash when you try to drink the medicine.
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